Red Leaved Canna

The Red Leaved Canna, also known as the Canna Lily Red Leaves, is arguably one of the best options for anyone looking to add bold color and texture to their garden. Its deep, dark chocolate, red leaves seem to glow in the sun, creating a dramatic and tropical vibe for any garden space. This versatile beauty thrives equally well in water gardens, ponds, bogs, or even in traditional flower beds, provided that its roots remain moist.


Why You Need Pickerel Weed in Your Water Garden

You might raise an eyebrow at the inclusion of the word "weed" in the name of a plant recommended for your water garden, but don't let that deceive you. Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), otherwise known as pickerel rush, is anything but a nuisance. Quite the contrary, it is an exceptionally lovely and serviceable addition to any water garden, providing both beauty and ecology. Pickerelweed plants add a splash of color and dynamism with brilliant flower spikes to ponds, bogs, and rain garden edges and are incredibly low maintenance.

Umbrella Palm: The Plant That Keeps on Giving

The umbrella palm (Cyperus alternifolius) is an ornamental and helpful addition to your pond or water garden. Sometimes called the umbrella papyrus, this tropical plant can grow to an impressive six feet in height. For those with smaller ponds, there are also dwarf and medium varieties of the umbrella palm plant, ensuring that every pond, no matter the size, can enjoy the benefits of this beautiful and functional aquatic plant.


How to Plant a Waterlily: Mistakes to Avoid

This guide will show you how to properly plant a waterlily and avoid common mistakes that prevent these beautiful aquatic plants from realizing their full potential.

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