We have a small pond we made this year to ad a little life to our property and hopefully bring in some local wildlife as well. We also have some fish we put in it and this helps them out as well with some water movement. We made sure to have to solar panel positioned where it would get the most use during the daylight hours and this stays running most all day long (minus thick cloud cover/ stormy weather). The only thing I have to do to keep this going is I clean out the intake area of the pump about once a week, just to keep it pumping water smoothly and not get clogged up. After a few weeks of this going, we've noticed the fish seem to be happier (the move around a lot more, can see them more often) and we've had a couple of turtles show up as well. This is in addition to countless frogs and other small creatures that like the pond. Hopefully this lasts a good while but I'll update this if it fails in a short amount of time or any other issues arise from it.